What is plasma, whole blood, platelets?
Whole Blood is just like it sounds, all of it. It is the red cells, white cells, plasma and platelets.
Plasma? That is the fluid that surrounds the red cells, white cells and platelets.
Platelets? This is the cell fragment in the blood whose main function is to interact with clotting proteins and stop or prevent bleeding.
How did I start giving blood. Well, I guess I would have to say that my parents did, so that influence me to as well. My mom has O-negative, so she is quite popular with the Red Cross. Me on the other hand, I have B-positive, so they like me, but I'm not as popular. I started giving in high school at the age of 17. To date I have donated over 35 pints of blood. How many pints are in a gallon you ask? 8 pints equal a gallon. So if you do the math, I have given almost 5 gallons of blood. WOW! That sure sounds like a lot!
This month is Red Cross Month. So if you are eligible to donate, go to the American Red Cross website and find a blood drive near you and give someone the selfless gift of blood.
"The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood"
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