Monday, December 12, 2011

Animal Hats

The craze! 
Yes they are cute.  See cute little girl below:

She is so cute with her puppy dog hat and gloves to match.  So sweet.
(Random little girl picture from Internet)

People!  Please refrain from this:

Not cute on an adult!  (Picture of a random guy off the Internet).

Why adults think wearing these are cute, fun, is beyond me...  Now, I'm the farthest thing from a fashion consultant, but please don't make this same mistake!

This is my public service announcement.  I won't make many of them.


  1. HIL.LAR.I.OUS. Great point, what a peeve!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As they say you may never keep a great thing down. You can find more details on animalheadgear on the site :: The Best Animal Hats Online.
