Friday, November 11, 2011

The Water Cooler

Yup, I'm that person in the office that changes the water cooler.  I do drink a lot of water, but enough that every time (it seems) it's empty when I need a refill.  I swear, no one else in this office knows either how to change it or perhaps they are just to lazy to change.  The funny thing is, every job I've had, that has had a water cooler, it seem like I'm the designated water cooler changer.  I think I will add it to my job duties.

Well I could have worse jobs here.  Talking with another lady, it seems her job is to change the toilet paper roll.  I will stick with the water cooler

Thanks for the vent!

1 comment:

  1. this made me Laugh. Out. Loud. I by far think you got the better end of the deal, plus you get a little workout everytime you heft that jug into the cooler!
