Friday, August 31, 2012

This and That

HI!  Just a little bit of this and that on this last day of August (the unofficial last weekend of summer) BOO!

1) Where have I been, no where, but now I understand how hard this blogging stuff can be! (Sorry my 3 followers, I will try to do better)
2) I miss my sister-neighbor-friend!  She needs to return so I feel right in this world!
3) Football season is here!  I'm excited to watch the games and go tailgating, but that just means it's fall, and what follows fall, winter... 
4) I'm really bummed.  I just realized I don't have a vacation planned... I need to get on that.  I'm thinking something tropical, something that I need a passport for and has a beach waiting for me at the other end.  I will keep you posted!
5) My hubby and I just celebrated 5 years of marriage bliss! So that means we have been together for 15 years!  What! That is almost half of my life!  But SO looking forward to the next 15 years!
6) I need to find my homeowner-motivation.  I'm hoping now that we are coming into cooler days, I will get some stuff done around this place! My list just keeps getting longer and nothing is getting crossed off.  Maybe if I blog about my goals (better known as maintenance that needs to be done around the house)  I might just get them done.  Don't they say if you write out your "goals" they will get done? 
7) Work is REALLY busy lately.  But it has been good busy!  There are days I'm a little overwhelmed, but for the most part it is the prefect amount of busy to keep me motivated (At least I'm motivated somewhere!)
8) We just got our carpets cleaned and with that, we rearranged the house.  I think I like it...  I liked the other way better, but this new set up is growing on me.  The test will be when we have our group of friends over...  That will be the test!  (For the record this doesn't count as homeowner-motivation, I paid for someone to clean my carpets)
9) I just brought my first Christmas present of the year!  Those little ones are just so darn easy to buy for!
10) I've been working from home on Fridays all summer.  LOVE IT.  But it might be coming to an end...  This all started when my carpool buddy had a medical leave.  So to save gas money, my boss OK'd me to work from home 1 day a week, but the agreement was to end on Labor Day weekend.  Next Friday I have a meeting on site and my boss hasn't given me the thumbs up to continue, yet...

All right back to work!  Enjoy your last weekend (unofficially) of summer!

Monday, August 27, 2012